Custom Buyer Qualification Template

This short video shows you how to ucreate a custom buyer qualification template to gather specific information from potential buyers.

Creating Custom Buyer Qualification Questions

Key Steps

  1. Access brokerage settings and click on templates.
  2. Create a new template, insert a name to describe the template and select the type as buyer qualification.
  3. Add custom questions such as "How much money do you have to invest?" with appropriate response options.
  4. Set the template as active to apply to all new projects or apply it to specific projects.
  5. Apply the custom template to the buyer qualification section by right clicking on "Finishing Touches".
  6. Ensure that the new questions are displayed in the buyer profile for potential buyers to fill out.


  • Ensure that the questions added are relevant to the specific needs of the company.
  • Double-check the settings to activate the custom template for the desired projects.

Tips for Efficiency

  • Use clear and concise language for the custom questions to avoid confusion for potential buyers.
  • Regularly review and update the custom buyer qualification template to align with changing business requirements.

Caley Hui

Deal Manager