How to Create & Invite Sellers to Your Data Room

This short video shows you how to pre-populate your DealBuilder data room, how to invite sellers, and how the data room appears for buyers.

How to Create & Invite Sellers to Your DealBuilder Data Room

Written Instructions

  1. Introduction to the Data Room Feature
    • Excitement about the new feature being released to brokers.
    • Quick tutorial to understand how the tool works.
    • Additional in-depth demos available in the resource center.
  2. Starting a Project in Deal Builder
    • Initiate a project with the start button.
    • Utilize the auto-generate SAM option.
    • Customize the intake questionnaire and data room template.
  3. Customizing the Data Room Template
    • Choose from various templates based on business type.
    • Lock or unlock access to folders and files for buyers.
  4. Building Folder and File Requests
    • Create folder structures with specific file requests.
    • Add new file requests with descriptions for clients to complete.
  5. Completing the Data Room Setup
    • Save the customized template.
    • Begin the project by guiding clients through the intake questionnaire and data room setup.
  6. Inviting Clients and Sharing Data Room
    • Share the project with clients through unique onboarding links.
    • Clients can view and complete the data room checklist and upload necessary documents.
  7. Seller's and Buyer's Perspectives
    • Seller's view: Clients can pre-populate the data room for a more prepared sale.
    • Buyer's view: Access the digital SIM with integrated data room for a comprehensive overview.
  8. Controlling Permissions and Access
    • Control individual user permissions within the data room.
    • Customize access to specific folders and files based on buyer roles.
  9. Conclusion and Support
    • Encouragement to reach out to support for any questions or assistance.
    • Access support through the app or via email

Caley Hui

Deal Manager